July 16, 2024


On Monday July 15 work continued on brick and mortar repairs and painting.

It was a big surprise when Josh and Dion started working on the basement window next to the kitchen door. The sill was totally rotted. Perhaps carpenter ants got at it. There was no saving it. They removed it and prepared the window for a new pressure treated sill.

On Tuesday first order of business was a trip to the lumberyard to get a 2 x 12 piece of pressure treated wood for a new sill. By the time I arrived at the lighthouse mid afternoon the new sill was installed and the window painted and caulked. It looks like a new window.

Also on Tuesday it was more brick and mortar work along with window painting. The south bedroom and parlor windows got some work with the paintbrush along with the other basement window on the south side of the lighthouse.

Fortunately the two basement windows on the north side of the lighthouse will not need drastic measures like the one on the other side of the building.


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