July 25, 2024


Today was eventful as they completed all tasks requiring the lift. A second coat of black paint was applied to parts of the lantern, and the outside lantern deck also received a second coat. Josh advised that we avoid walking on it for several days until it fully cures.

The back gable trim now has a second coat of lead grey paint as well.

From now on, all remaining work can be done from scaffolds.

The lighthouse looks impressive, and many visitors have expressed their appreciation for our efforts. If a Lighthouse Service inspector could see it today, they would surely approve.

Our next big step is scheduled for Monday when Kurt Fosburg will reinstall and restore the Fresnel lens in the tower.

Best, Ed

2 thoughts on “July 25, 2024”

  1. The building is looking sharp and clean! The restored gable spikes are just stunning and the lantern house looks brand new! Thanks so much to the crew for all their hard work in the hot sun!

  2. One question: Is there any possibility of obtaining an example of the kerosene lamp that was mounted inside the Fresnel lens? It would greatly add to the viewing of the lantern house.

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