July 8, 2024


John Fletcher just sent some photos of the hand crafting of the replacement spires. It is really exciting to see the progress. They look amazing.

At the lighthouse, work continues on paint preparation.

Work being done on screen door and lower front shutters.
Work continues on getting windows ready to paint.
Josh and Dion prepping the front door screen for painting.

Kurt Fosburg, the lampist, confirmed that he has everything he needs to come back to repair and re-install the Fresnel lens. The floor in the lantern needs a final coat of black paint and once that is done the lens can go back and be restored in place.

And we heard from Eric Hyde, Park Superintendent, that DNR approval for the utility work to proceed should be coming through this week. Hopefully Wisconsin Public Service Company can start installing the power feed from Welker’s Point soon after that.


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