September 12, 2024


Monday afternoon the WPS contractor completed the landscape restoration where the power line trenching occurred. They did a nice job. It looks great. Now all we need is some rain to get it growing and keep it growing.

Miller Pipeline picked up the last of unused materials when they picked up leftover cable on Thursday.

We are waiting for WPS to install a new transformer at Welker’s Point campground before the power for the lighthouse can be energized. Good news is the new transformer and pad are on site waiting to be installed. Stay tuned.

All the upstairs windows are now using Chuck’s shutter blocks to keep them open. This is a great improvement over the PVC pipes that were used previously. Not only is it easier to use the shutter blocks compared to the pipes, it looks so much better.

The picture taken from the bay by Sue Jarosh shows how spectacular the lighthouse looks after the restoration work. Now if we can only get some trees cut along the top of the bluff so the lighthouse station is more visible from the water. It is interesting to compare it to the old photos of the light station when the US Lighthouse Service did not allow trees to grow along the bluff. Trees block the visibility of the lighthouse and reduce its effectiveness as an aid to navigation.


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